Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things keep happening...

I was going to bring my dress shirts to the dry cleaners yesterday morning, but I didn't. Today, I discovered/remembered that the buttons on the sleeves of the shirt I was going to wear tomorrow are somewhat cracked:

Had to find another shirt that wasn't too wrinkled. They were all too wrinkled. Luckily, one is wash-and-hang-dry, not dry-clean-or-iron. So I hung it up...

...and created an ungodly Doctor-Moreau-esque contraption from a Windex spray nozzle, and empty Pepsi bottle, and water...

...and sprayed it, and let it dry over the school day (with towel to catch drips, of course).

Not 100% perfect, but it'll do for another day of serving subpoenas, tracking down witnesses, looking for security cameras, and whatever else.

In other news, I somehow managed to spend all last night preparing for an oral presentation on my Law & Lit paper (an analysis of punishment theory, primarily that of Michel Foucault and Leon Radzinowicz, as played out in Camus's L'Etranger), and barely sounded coherent in class. I mean, I got a few laughs, which is always good, but my argument wasn't as concise and grammatically correct as it should have been, I rambled and searched for words. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.

I then proceeded to forget to hand in my last case brief for Pol Sci, and didn't remember until way after class ended, with the net result that I emailed it to the professor over an hour after the end of class--in other words, enough time had elapsed that I could, conceivably, have written it up after class. So I have nothing to prove that I actually did the homework by the assigned time, aside from any good-faith belief the professor has that I'm not a total slacker. Could be worse, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. you ought to buy an iron. or you could borrow mine if you need to...
