Friday, April 30, 2010

Macaulay Arts Night!

Let me first say how impressed I was with Arts Night in general - the curators really gathered some amazing pieces!

Arts Night was really special to me this year, because, about a month ago, I decided that instead of going to graduate school, I am going to pursue my dream of opening a bakery. Arts Night provided me with a sort of launch opportunity; I baked about 300 cookies over the course of 4 days, set up my exhibit, and basically got free exposure (to the Dean, nonetheless!)

I am so thrilled with how supportive and enthusiastic the Macaulay community was about my cookies, and I feel a new confidence about my work. I actually believe, for the first time, that this will actually work - that I can work with something I love and be successful with it. And I don't think that I would have received such a warm welcome in any other community. There's something different about Macaulay, and now, more than ever, I'm glad to be here. (And I was REALLY glad before, so that says something!)

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