Monday, May 24, 2010


So after a rough time writing a 15 page paper on French philosophy, The Scarlet Letter, and Middlesex, and after all of my exams, I am DONE. I just have to present a creative project tomorrow, which is finished except for a letter of intent. Easy as store-bought pie (because, in reality, it takes a lot of skill to make a decent pie crust...)

There's this guy out my window who looks a LOT like this kid I went to high school with and it's freaking me out. It's probably not him, but the thing is, in a place like NYC, you never know who you're going to run into. Case in point, I found out my high school ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend were at the Museum of Natural History the same day at the SAME TIME I was at the New York Historical Society last month. That'd have been awkward...

So anyway, I'm just relaxing at this point. I finished a sweater sleeve that I've been putting off (in a sweater of my own design - I had misjudged the sleeve cap and ended up knitting it too short and too narrow. I was so distraught that I put it away for two months and, while watching Good Night and Good Luck, my Netflix rental that arrived, also, two months ago, I fixed and attached it. Now I have only to make the other sleeve! And the collar...) I slept for 15 hours yesterday. I moved most of my stuff out Saturday, which was a relief because, as of late, I'm getting pretty damn sick of the dorm. Let's just say some of my floor mates have sticky fingers. And let's just say that some of them think it's appropriate to leave RAW BEEF liquid all over the kitchen after they cook their disgusting, heart-attack-on-a-plate "meals" with their girlfriends who manage to spill at least a gallon of water on the floor while doing the dishes. And let's just say that some think it's funny to throw whole rolls of toilet paper into the toilet.

I'm so glad to be moving to a new floor next semester. Hopefully these shenanigans will end. If not, well...maybe it's time for an apartment. (And, thus, a job. Yikes)

Now I'm just in the awkward stage of waiting for grades. Dear incoming freshmen: this will, inevitably, be as stressful as taking exams and writing papers. Even if you know you're going to do well, the fact of the matter is, you have to wait, sometimes weeks, for affirmation. And sometimes, when you have a 3.95 because Hunter counts A-'s as 3.7's but A+'s as 4.0's, you sit and watch your A's come in one by one and watch the 3.95 creep up to a 3.957, and then a 3.96, and then a 3.97, and then BAM, the one A- comes in and it gets knocked back down to a 3.95. Not that I'm averse to A-'s in general - totally a good grade. But just imagine constructing the most intricate card castle, for 5 months, and you're almost done and it's immense and gorgeous and, when you're just putting the last cards onto the top, the crowning jewels, you slip a bit and the whole thing topples and you're back where you started. It's a bit frustrating.

I hate to be melodramatic, but there's something depressing about knowing that your GPA can pretty much only go down.


In any case, I'm going to go read. FOR FUN! What a thought!

Tschüss, dear Readers,


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