Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Excitement! Intrigue! Homework! Subpoenas!

One of the benefits I didn't expect to have as a Legal Aid intern is copious amounts of time to do my homework. It's not that I don't have work to do for the internship itself--they keep me fairly busy--but it often involves long train rides to Queens, Washington Heights, and so on, which are great for getting readings done. I'm also getting pretty good at serving subpoenas. Fascinated by how some people just seem terrified of them. Are they a hassle? Yeah. But usually they're just asking people to produce records. They don't even have to appear in court themselves, just send the papers or DVDs or whatever to the courthouse. And they still think they're somehow personally implicated, or going to get in trouble, or... something. And you know what? If you're the person in charge of those records, part of your job is giving copies of those records to people who have legitimate reason to ask for them. Legitimate reason like, say, a document issued by a court commanding you to produce those records.

I'd write more, but there's not much more to write. The highlights of my week have included dog-sitting, and attending the Fordham Law School's annual alumni luncheon as a guest of my Hunter mentor. The luncheon was at the Waldorf-Astoria and was very nice. It also directly caused me to accidentally superglue my sock to the inside of my shoe.

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