Friday, October 17, 2014

Stuffed Animals and Graduation

Hi, everyone.

It's been a quiet week so I don't have anything too exciting to report to you all.

But what was great about this week was that I reached out to my AP English teacher. I haven't spoken to him since his retirement party in June 2013 so I wanted to update him on what's been going on in his life. He's the kind of teacher who really cares about his students and absolutely loves hearing about all of our accomplishments. He was happy to hear from me and said that he was enjoying retirement, which he definitely deserves. He's one of the most dedicated teachers that I know.
Keep in touch with your old teachers!

On Wednesday, we had a guest speaker in my English class who spoke to us about Emily Dickinson (whose work we've been reading since the semester started). He teaches at NYU and is currently working on his dissertation in comparative literature. He was full of interesting thoughts, and I could see that he really knew what he was talking about in regards to Dickinson and the other poets who he's focusing on for his dissertation. I love people who are masters at certain things whether that be plumbing, poetry, or philosophy. They spend a lot of time getting good at something and then, they get to share it with the world. It's great to hear them speak because they have such a passion for what they do. It comes through in the sparkle in their eyes and in the motions of their hands. I hope I get to be that way one day.

Today, I had a meeting with my Macaulay advisor, and we ran through a list of things to make sure I had completed everything that I need to graduate. We also talked about the MCAT and post-graduate plans. Graduation is not as faraway as it once seemed. It's scary and exciting and I'm just trying to enjoy this last year of my college life.

But can I be a kid for a second?

My stuffed animal (and doll) collection:

(I've had some of them since I was 3 or 4 years old. And some of them traveled all the way to the US with me when we moved here 15 years ago.)


I love this quote by Einstein because of how true it is. If you can break something down to its simplest terms and explain it to someone who has no previous knowledge of it, then you know that you truly understand it. That's what being a good student, both in college and in life, is all about.

Quote of the Week

“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

~ Albert Einstein

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