Saturday, May 14, 2011

Under The (Sunny) Weather

My mysterious difference from the blogosphere seems to be a reoccurring theme. My last entry was in late March. I'm still alive. Spring sprung and I've gotton in shape but now the nice weather got to me and now I've reached a stage, where I'm so fixed on making it to summer that my present seems quite boring and I struggle to find a concise way to sum up my recent past.

Today, I impersonated a NYU student with another friend (also not a Violet) to go eat Chick-Fil-A. Yummy but rather salty and knowing now what the chain tastes like, there were several other restaurants we passed that I would have rather dined at. I did laundry and spoke to friends who have now made it to LI on the phone. I've also been working on papers and projects. In fact, although I'm still procrastinating, I've reached the point where I'm so up to my neck with Ancient Near Eastern Religion and the Peopling of NY, that blogging seems like a break.

My past activities of note include getting a dramatic FREE hair cut, vacationing in Buffalo, Arts Night, field trips, numerous Hillel events and social gatherings, Deans Dinners, Tests, Registration and meeting with several people to pursue my internship dreams. Those interested in stalking my past self might enjoy my writing on a field trip found here ( and the MacVlog I did as a SpringBreakSubstitution here (

As for my future internship no one's bit yet, but I'll keeping on fishing for a occupation. Part of me desperately wants to compete with classmates working with museums and hospitals and Capital Hill. At least, answering surveys for the Hunter Psych Department and doing some marketing research has kept me in the green. As for summer plans, I know that I'll be spending two weeks in Israel and that I signed up for a summer Oceanography class....and maybe if you're lucky I'll remember to blog.

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