Friday, August 30, 2013

Here we go again.

First post of my 5th semester at Macaulay Hunter. Woo hoo! I can still remember the excitement of writing of my first post on the MacBlog.

I'm happy to officially announce that I am the new MacBlog coordinator. Jemi did a great job running the blog last year, and I hope I can do the same. I'm so excited to do this because I first heard about the MacBlog when I was a junior in high school. I remember thinking how "adult" everyone sounded with their busy schedules and interesting stories. I told myself that if I got into Macaulay, I would definitely get involved. I hope prospective students are out there having fun reading the blog and that it makes them want to be a part of the Macaulay Hunter community.

By the way, does everyone like the new look for the blog? It reminds me of doodles that a student would make in a notebook. Our blog posts are kind of like verbal doodles (if that makes sense).

So back to talking about this semester. My classes for this semester include Molecular Genetics (Bio 203), Physics 110, Stats 213, and Religion 251 (Asian Religions). I think it sounds like a healthy mix of subjects. At this point, I'm most intrigued by my religion class simply because this is my first time taking a religion class and I've been fascinated by the non-monotheistic Eastern religions for the last few years. I love the emphasis on spirituality that these religions have. There's also this beautiful connection between the body and the soul that comes up over and over again. I'm definitely looking forward to learning more.

Of course, I'm also excited about my science courses. Well, scared and excited. With science courses that have a heavily pre-med population, there is always a lot of pressure to stand out. The most important thing I've learned about science classes if you're a pre-health student or a science major is to just focus on yourself. Study, and just be the best that you can be. Forget about everyone else in the room. Stop telling yourself that you're not as smart as everyone else in the lecture hall. Intelligence does not equal success in a career. Ambition and persistence are what will make you stand out.

Goals for this semester:

  • Get organized. (My calendar will be my best friend.)
  • Have a regular bedtime. (So that I don't hate myself in the mornings.)
  • Study every day. (Even at the beginning of the semester when no one wants to study.)
  • Eat those fruits and veggies. (Vitamin C all the way!)
  • Laugh a lot. (To stay sane.)
  • Don't lose hope that the world will one day be as it should be. (Because I need optimism in my life.)



I did "Song of the Week" for last semester and over the summer.
I'm thinking of featuring a mixture of quotes, songs, and poems this semester.

This song is addictive.

Song of the Week

Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends
It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
Don't speak as I try to leave 'cause we both know what we'll choose
If you pull then I'll push too deep and I'll fall right back to you

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

~ "Clarity" by Zedd featuring Foxes

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