Friday, August 23, 2013

Become Your Dream

Hi, everyone!

This will be my last post before classes begin next Wednesday! Gosh. Back to professors, friends, the library, frustration, stress, and a whole lot of fun.

In my last post, I forgot to mention that I had jury duty earlier this month. It was my first time, and I won't have to do it for another eight years. It was a good experience to have, but the waiting all day can kill a person. Reading material and other sources of entertainment must be brought to prevent insanity. I ended up not getting chosen to be on a jury. The highlight of my day was sitting near a fountain in the sunshine eating the best soft pretzel I've ever had. haha.

I've been watching the mayoral candidates debate and make various statements to the press about their views on different topics, but I still can't make up my mind about who to vote for! I know that a lot of people out there don't like Bloomberg, but I think he did a lot for this city. He knew how to handle us, and I don't think we are that easy to handle! The next mayor needs to be able to do the same thing. There are so many things going on here and so many problems to solve. We've made a lot of progress, but there is still so much more to do. At the end of the day, no matter who gets elected as our next mayor, the welfare of this city will not lie in their hands. The welfare of this city is ultimately the responsibility of its citizens. If we don't care about what's going on, if we don't educate ourselves about various issues, if we don't get organized, if we don't share ideas, then it won't matter if the mayor is the most saintly and intelligent person. Having said all that, I still don't know who to vote for. Gah.

Today, while walking towards Hunter College on 68th Street, I came across a large piece of wood on the ground. In black marker, somebody had written "BECOME YOUR DREAM". Seeing that had a strong effect on me. We dream of having successful lives as doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers, etc. But at the end of the day, are we really doing a good job of working towards our dreams? Or are they something in the distant future that we just hope we'll have one day? Get a little bit closer to your dreams this semester.

I took a walk with my mom through the neighborhood I lived in for 11 years. I'm always surprised at how little it has changed. The buildings look virtually the same, the people are different but belong to the same kinds of nationalities, and the general feel of the place is the same. But I have changed. I'm no longer the 6 year old immigrant who lived in a small apartment in that row of brick red apartment buildings. I've come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.

Here's to the dream.


Song of the Week

Everybody’s been there,
Everybody’s been stared down by the enemy
Fallen for the fear
And done some disappearing,
Bow down to the mighty
Don’t run, stop holding your tongue
Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

~ "Brave" by Sara Bareilles

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