Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney, Valentine's Day, and Practical

Hello, everyone. =)
It's a quiet Saturday afternoon, and I'm at home doing homework.
Whitney Houston's funeral was in Newark, NJ today. I remember listening to her music as a kid. She truly had a fantastic voice that gave me chills. Music is the ultimate medicine, and I hope today's celebration of her life will help her loved ones cope with her passing. RIP Whitney <3
Her death reminds me that every moment that we have with our loved ones should be cherished and appreciated.

How was everyone's Valentine's Day? It was great to see all the couples looking all lovey-dovey. haha. For me, Valentine's Day is not about flowers and chocolate. It's about how love, if we allow it to come in, impacts all of our lives. It's about taking a chance on someone.

This past Wednesday, I took my first Biology Lab Practical. It was on the anatomy of plants. Many people consider this part of biology to be boring and useless, but I actually find it interesting. Plants are central to human life. Without them, we couldn't survive. Learning about their complex biology gives me an even greater appreciation for them.

This is our second three-day weekend in a a row. I'm definitely grateful for the time to catch up on work and just relax for a bit.
Quote of the week:

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. "

~Khalil Gibran


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