Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Heat

Hey guys, sorry for such a long hiatus in posting!

The end of my last semester was a little hectic, but it ended really well - I had my first 4.0 semester! Since all of my classes were really challenging, I feel really proud about having pulled A's or better in each of them. This year really marked a turning point for me. I had always done well in my classes, but something just seemed to click this semester. Maybe it was my summer in Germany that gave me a boost in my German, or maybe I've read enough literary theory and have strong enough convictions in certain theories (feminism and marxism, particularly) that literary analysis seems more natural to me. Or maybe it's just part of being immersed in academia for 3 years. In any case, I felt like I really pushed myself to a new level academically this semester, and it paid off!

So far, my summer has been really exciting! I spent two weeks in Europe in June - one week in London, and one in Paris. I really fell in love with both cities, which was especially satisfying for London, since the first time I went there I had a less than stellar experience. I had just shaved my head a week before I left, and Londoners, who are more conservative than I had expected, weren't exactly friendly to me. I assume it had to do with my hair, since this time, with about 8 inches more hair, everyone was perfectly pleasant. And Paris is...Paris. What could I possibly say that would even come close to encapsulating my experience in Paris? All I'll say is that I can't wait to go again!

At the end of May, I started my research assistantship with Dean Kirschner, along with two other Macaulay students. Working with her has been a pleasure - not only intellectually, but it's always pleasant when you realize that people whom you look up to and admire are totally down-to-earth, and value your input as much as you value theirs. Even though we're helping her research for her book, she's created an environment in which I feel like we're equals. And the research is turning out to be really interesting and rewarding! I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to talk about, but at the very least, she's writing about Josephine Marcus Earp, the wife of Wyatt Earp. I never much cared about the "Wild West" or cowboys, so I'm really pleasantly surprised to find how engaging the subject is!

Other than that, I'm just trying to enjoy my last week before my class - Intro to Cultural Anthropology - starts on the 14th. Not that I won't enjoy that, but being in class means no more sleeping until noon, and not as much staying out until 3 in the morning. So, until next Thursday, carpe diem!

Hope you all have a great weekend! Stay cool! (I'm trying desperately - an un-airconditioned dorm is not the most pleasant thing in the world...)

- Katharine

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