Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Textbook lost and found

Yesterday I had an interesting first experience - I somehow managed to completely lose one of my textbooks. Like many college students, I'm in the habit of carrying large, heavy books around with me pretty much at all times. Yesterday the book of choice was a big green one aptly, if un-creatively, titled "Chemistry," and apparently it objected to my constant highlighting, marking, post-it-ing, and other abuse, because somewhere in the course of my day it completely jumped ship.

It all started while I was waiting to meet my research mentor, a psychology professor at NYU, down in NYU territory. He was a bit late so naturally I occupied myself studying. When he arrived we headed off to get lunch at a nearby deli, sat outside some big fancy looking NYU building for our meeting, and an hour or so later I headed off back to Hunter. The whole thing seemed entirely straightforward, except that when I got on the train and went to get my chem book out of my backpack to resume my studying, it suddenly occurred to me that the book had actually not been in my backpack. A quick check confirmed that indeed, I was chemistry-book-less. Hrm...

Since I had another class at Hunter I continued uptown, then as soon as my last class let out last night I hurried back down to the NYU, which thankfully is in the same direction as my house. There was no textbook outside the big fancy building... But, returning to the deli across the street, I found it there waiting for me - "with a pen inside," as the cashier who had been holding it for me pointed out - sitting right by the counter where I had inadvertently abandoned it several hours before. Crisis averted!

Clearly, this is the danger of hyper-active studying...

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