Friday, May 9, 2014

Sunny Days and Good Friends

Hi, everyone!!

I'm finding it hard to believe that next week is the last week of classes. I'm about to finish my third year of college. Like what? Too insane. I feel like I graduated high school last week.

I'm looking forwards to getting final exams and papers out of the way. In exactly 2 weeks, I will be a free woman and officially a rising senior. Woo!

Nothing too exciting happened this week. Everyone is just running around and trying to get things done for their classes. The library is crowded with people studying powerpoints and writing papers. Everyone's talking about how they're going to salvage their final grades (and kicking themselves for not putting in more work the last 3 months). But this will all soon be over, and I will have completed my 6th (!) finals week.

Then, summertime fun. It won't be all fun of course. I will hopefully get that opp I was telling you guys about, and I'll also study for the MCAT. But I'll make sure to squeeze in time with family and friends just having fun and feeling young. Too often, we millennials feel older than we actually are. I'm planning to go to some restaurants, art exhibits, take long walks on the beach (Btw, during the summers, there are fireworks every Friday on Coney Island), read some books, and just generally enjoy myself.

Tuesday and Wednesday were both good days for me because the weather was gorgeous, and I got to spend some time outside just hanging out with a friend. On Tuesday, we walked all the way down to the NYPL's main building on 42nd Street. This is one of my favorite places in the city because of the beautiful architecture. We just hung around in front of the building and then headed over to Bryant Park. It was so sunny that day that I actually managed to tan my arms. haha. On Wednesday, the same friend and I headed over to the west side to hang around the fountain in front of the opera house (I feel like I'm mentioning this fountain in every post. :p). This time, the sun managed to burn my shoulders. Sigh. But that's ok because my friend and I saw a rainbow go through the water in the fountain. It was beautiful.

Speaking of the NYPL, last year, I wrote a paper about it for my Seminar 4 class, and I got incredibly interested in the history of this library system and the plan to remove the stacks in the main building. I mentioned my semester-long project in a few posts last year like this one. In my paper I argued that the project would ultimately not benefit the library's patrons. Yesterday, I read that the NYPL had decided to stop the project. I teared up a bit because I know how hard organizations have worked to get the NYPL to halt the project, and I'm glad it worked out at the end.

I meet with a study group once a week to study for Bio 300. I met with the same group last semester for Bio 203 so we all know each other fairly well and work well together. This is the last semester that we're all going to be in the same bio class so we're all feeling a bit sad. We ended up taking a bunch of selfies before lecture yesterday just so that we have pictures to look back on. I love when I find a great group of people to hang out with. It's priceless.

I've been watching a bunch of Michelle Phan videos lately. She does makeup tutorials and is a lot of fun to watch. Check her out here. She's a good finals week distraction for when you need a break.


College Tip of the Week: Let life happen. 

Between the ages of 18 and 22, you will go through quite a bit of stuff. You're out of high school and you're trying to figure your life out. There will be academic successes and failures. You will make bad friends. People will betray you. You will make a group of amazing friends. You will fall madly in love. The person will break your heart, cheat on you, treat you poorly, etc. The person will be amazing. You will find your passion. You will find many passions. You will question your intelligence. You will waver in your trust of people. You will want to quit and travel around Europe for a year. You will complain about papers and exams and long grad school applications. You will laugh a lot. You will cry a lot. You will be inspired. You will be cynical.

Just let it happen, and respond the best way you can.
Most of all, learn from it all, and please enjoy yourself.

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