Friday, May 16, 2014

Rain and Writing

Hey, everyone!

It's Friday night, and I'm listening to the rain fall as I type out this blog post. I just finished watching the season finale of Grimm so I have a lot of emotions right now. haha. Ugh. So many cliffhangers. I love this show. I love a show that makes you fall in love with the characters. That's what makes you want to keep watching.

Speaking of great characters, I finally got a chance to finish watching season 6 of Mad Men. This is another show that makes you care about the characters. Since I don't have AMC, I can't watch season 7 (it's airing now) yet, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. Season 7 is actually the last season, and I can't wait to find out how it all ends for these awesome characters.

Wow. The rain is coming down hard.

On Wednesday, I ran into a few people from my high school while at Hunter. It's always fun to see old friends after awhile. We've all changed and grown quite a bit, and I'm glad that they are still a part of my life.

Yesterday was the last day of classes so it was a bit bittersweet. I had my last biochem exam yesterday so I spent the majority of the day going over my notes. Then, I met with my study group, and we went over anything that any of us had trouble with. We took some pictures right before the exam. I've spent 2 semesters with these amazing people, and I'm going to miss them. We are proof that study groups do work if done in the right way.

I had some writer's block this week, which was frustrating because I had to write a paper for my Filipino Lit class, and I just couldn't get the words out. Ugh. It's the worst feeling. There are two strategies that usually help me with writer's block. I either just sit down and force myself to write or I step away and do something else for awhile. Sitting down and just writing is effective because I'm not letting myself think about the writer's block. I'm just writing and letting the ideas come out. The second strategy also works because I'm letting my brain relax and not stress about the writing. Usually, when I come back from the break, I can write so much more easily.

I didn't get to watch the season finale of The Big Bang Theory last night so I'm going to go watch it now. I heard a lot of interesting things happened so I'm excited to see it.

Good luck on all of your finals (if you're a college student)!! And if you're a high school student, congrats on finishing your AP exams!!


College Tip of the Week: Learn to write well. 

Writing is a skill that must be mastered in college. There's no way that you can get through these four years with poor writing skills. Virtually every class that you take will require you to write an essay, a report, etc. But fear not. You'll have many chances to perfect your writing. The key is to learn from each writing assignment and make the next one that much better. Seek advice from your professors, the writing center, your friends, the Internet, and read other people's work to learn what it takes to produce a good piece of writing. Words are powerful things, and if you learn how to master them, you'll be successful not only in college but also in your future career.

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