Monday, January 23, 2012

19, Winter Break, and Chanel

Bonjour everyone!!!!
The spring semester starts this Friday and with it the start of my daily train commute, bleary eyes, and pre-med life. haha. I'm definitely excited for this semester. I enjoyed my first semester and look forward to a challenging, but thrilling second semester.
NYC had its first snowfall of the year this past weekend. I've been waiting for the snow to come for weeks, but I guess the snow God had enough fun with NYC last year and took his snowflakes elsewhere this year. haha. I missed the feeling of the crunch of the snow underneath my feet.

I've had a very relaxing break filled with lots of reading, watching TV and movies, sleeping, and daydreaming. It's going to feel strange to go back to school after such a relaxing month.

I got to see one of my friends from high school this past Thursday. We decided to go to Brighton Beach in Brooklyn and walk on the boardwalk. I had a great time. Since it's the middle of winter and it was a particularly cold day, we basically had the entire beach to ourselves--it was just us, a bunch of seagulls, and a few old Russian couples. haha (oh and we found this horseshoe crab shell on the sand right next to the boardwalk): =p

This past Saturday, I watched a French movie (there are English subtitles) called "Coco Avant Chanel", which translates into "Coco Before Chanel". If you're interested in Coco Chanel or just in fashion, then you will love this movie. It depicts her youth and her struggles to find love and become successful. It's really a fantastic movie and Chanel is so incredibly inspiring.

Yesterday was my 19th birthday. It was a great day--just a quiet birthday with family and some great chocolate cake. My dad started this tradition of getting me roses on my birthday a few years ago. Here are the 19 roses he got me yesterday:

I think I'll end each of my blog posts with a quote this semester.

Courage is not the lack of fear but the ability to face it."
---- Lt. John B. Putnam Jr. (1921-1944)


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