Friday, August 12, 2011

Black and White

I have really come to appreciate reading books this summer more than any other summer but also, as an art history and sociology double major, have grown to love looking at picture books of various historical events or of the Beatles (yes, I am a HUGE fan). If you are wondering what to do during these last days of summer besides relaxing and don't really want to start a novel with such little time left, I recommend picking up a book with a lot of photographs and flipping through the pages. Remember to read the short captions! =) Borders is going out of business (in case you didn't know) so I recommend going there and picking up some books while they are 30% to 50% off. I actually just today picked up a photographic history of the Beatles and found looking at the black and white photos therapeutic and calming. Sometimes black and white is easier on the eyes than color and gives a sense of timelessness that color photographs seem to lack in my opinion. So grab some MUD coffee in the east village (look it up if you don't know about this amazing place) and enjoy some picture gazing!

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